27 Jun 2022 - 29 Jun 2022
09:00  - 17:00

Tübingen D

Stem Cell in Disease Modeling and Regeneration

A Winter School for Postdocs and Junior Faculty


In the past years stem cell research has gained further traction in the development of more complex in vitro (disease) models as well as in clinical trials and therapeutic applications.

Scope: The aim of the Winter School ‘Stem Cells for Disease Modeling and Regeneration’ is to expand the interdisciplinary and (inter)national networking of young researchers in the stem cell field.

With the Stem Cell Winter School we aim to foster an inclusive environment for postdocs and junior faculty to meet, network and discuss their research in a small scale setting with esteemed international scientists. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to submit an abstract for a poster and/or oral presentation to fully emerge in the scientific debate. The number of participants will be limited to 80.

Session topics

• Organ-on-chip
• Single cell analysis
• Disease modeling
• Regenerative therapies

Registration and Abstract submission is open until Monday the 20th of December. More information can be found on our website. Weblink

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