Prof. Dr. Georg A. Holländer
Botnar Research Centre for Child Health
ETH Zurich & University of Basel
Hoffmann and Action Medical Research Professor of Developmental Medicine
Head of the Department of Paediatrics
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Professor of Paediatric Immunology
University of Basel
Phone +41 61 695 30 69 (Direct)
+41 61 695 30 71 (Secretary)
Georg A. Holländer studied Medicine in Basel, and trained clinically as a pediatrician and experimental immunologist in Basel and Boston. He presently holds academic positions at the University of Basel and at the University of Oxford where he directs immunological research directed at understanding thymus formation, function and regeneration. The thymus constitutes the primary lymphoid organ for the development and selection of T lymphocytes, a cell type critical for the function of the adaptive immune system. The thymus is composed of different cell types and only their correct differentiation and architectural organisation ensure a normal function. Several genetic disorders and acquired pathologies have been identified that effect not only the regular development, but also the function of the thymus. To study the physiology of thymic development and to further characterise the pathologies that evolve as a consequence of damage to the thymus, the laboratory has developed mouse models to study thymic development and function using state of the art cellular, molecular and imaging tools. The Holländer laboratory is jointly run with facilities and resources both at the Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel and the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford.
For additional information, see https://biomedizin.unibas.ch/en/research/research-groups/hollaender-lab/